About Us

The Swan's Island Historical Society (SIHS) was originally part of the Swan’s Island Educational Society (SIES). In July 2019, the Historical Society separated from the Educational Society and we became our own not-for-profit entity.
The Historical Society originally operated out of the old Captain Henry Lee residence, which was given to us by the Department of Transportation. This building originally housed both the museum and the library of the Educational Society. Starting in 1986, the Town of Swan's Island allowed the Educational Society to operate a museum out of the Seaside Hall. Subsequently, the Seaside Hall was sold, and the collection was moved back to the Educational Society building. Sadly, that building was struck by

lightning and burned down on July 24, 2008. Many irreplaceable artifacts were lost. We salvaged what we could and continued to collect and archive artifacts and oral interviews. In October of 2019, the SIHS purchased the Methodist Church building and began plans for renovating and re-opening the building as a museum. In July of 2021, the SIHS opened the museum and hosted numerous events and exhibits during the season.

The Colonel's Journal
Our newsletter covers everything from current projects, to future ideas, to island wide news. Get updates from our president and committee members, and read stories written by the island's historians. Not subscribed? Sign up HERE.